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What is ENSEEIHT ?


ENSEEIHT (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Electrotechnique, d'Electronique, d'Informatique, d'Hydraulique et de Telecom) is a top-ranking engineering-school based in Toulouse France.This school has four main disciplines which are computer sciences, Electronics, Hydraulics and Telecom.

Everything is changing, and the people making these changes are engineers: we make things, and we make things better. Our collective challenges are steep, and they are global. Improved systems and tools have the potential to improve the lived experience of people from all corners of the planet.
Narrow approaches make for small solutions. ENSEEIHT’s strategy for addressing global challenges is to approach them on their own terms. By welcoming the widest range of knowledge, experience, and expertise under a single intellectual roof, researchers, and students attack problems—and solve them—on the grandest scale.

Website entirely made by ENSEEIHT students
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